Overcoming Marriage Challenges: How Astrologers can Help Individuals with Angarak Yoga and Manglik Dosh

Planetary alignments and placements have been a part of Vedic astrology and influence human lives. These doshas and Yogas often have adverse impacts, and astrologers have played an important role in helping people facing various doshas. Yogas and doshas, such as Angarak Yoga and Manglik Dosh, are particularly known for their adverse influences on people, especially in terms of marriage and relationships. These astrological positions are generally associated with anger issues, delays, interpersonal relationship challenges, and obstacles in personal life. Assistance from an experienced astrologer can be of great value to individuals suffering under these planetary positions.

What is Angarak Yoga?

Angarak Yoga is a planetary placement in a person’s horoscope where Mangal is found to be conjunct with Rahu, the shadow planet. This combination is said to attract volatile energy, thus transforming the person into aggressive behaviour, impulsive interactions and inviting conflict all around. For relationships, this fire combination creates misunderstandings, tension, and utter emotional outbursts, leading to strained marriages and love connections. Angarak yoga is also known to relate to a person’s failure to maintain any good relationships because Mars and Rahu have overarching dominance in this yoga.

What is Manglik Dosh?

Manglik Dosh famously referred to as Mangal Dosh, results when Mars lies in a particular house within the horoscope. It happens with any individual whose Mars is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house. Dosh, in general, is dreaded due to its negative influences on marriage life. People with Manglik Dosh say that they face different kinds of delays in marriage, frequent quarrels with their spouse, or even divorce. Mars is a warlike and dominating planet. If present in an individual’s horoscope, this dosha may make them dominant and controlling, thereby creating conflicts with the partner. In extreme cases, it is even believed to be responsible for divorces or separations.

How These Doshas Impact Marriage and Relationships

Angarak Yoga and Manglik Dosh causes emotional imbalance that usually gives rise to impulsive reactions, misunderstandings, and failure of verbal communication between the couple. In such cases, maintaining peace and tranquillity in their marital life becomes quite challenging, and unhealthy clashes frequently occur, which results in frustration and absence of mutual understanding and finally, living a life of dissatisfaction. The adverse effects can also extend to delays in finding a suitable match, as potential partners or their families may hesitate due to the astrological implications.

How an Expert Astrologer Can Help

Consulting the right astrologer can give much-needed relief to people under the influence of negativity by Angarak Yoga and Manglik Dosh. The astrologer may provide such remedies in light of the exact horoscope positioning of the planets for a person. As per remedies prescribed by astrology, rituals, mantra recitation, and gemstones recommended can neutralise the ravages caused by Mars and Rahu.

Astrologers point out the most auspicious time for marriage and tell a person when they should marry, considering the alignment of planets, is likely to be facilitated by the doshas, thus reducing the impact of doshas on the relationship. In the same way, they could guide one on how to perform certain pujas or make some adjustments in lifestyle that might ensure harmony and peaceful relations. By seeking an expert astrologer as a solution to problems in a marital relationship, since they know that the disturbances there are caused by the presence of those particular planetary combinations, they may give one a personalised solution to reduce the challenge associated with such planetary combinations.


Angarak Yoga and Manglik Dosh certainly cause a lot of trouble in the marriage and other relationships of an individual. But again, with the right kind of astrologer, one can indeed come out from those hurdles. Dosha readings if corrected and put appropriately into remedies will help the individuals to maintain a balance between their personal life and relationships. Astrological counselling is an empowering step towards the resolution of the issues caused by doshas.

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About Averry Talcott

Averry Talcott writes about personal productivity and time management for busy professionals. He draws from his experience juggling multiple freelance projects and a growing family.